Title : Three Sides to the Coin
Part : two / seven
Part Title : Introduction to Disaster
Authour : ~sushisama~ (sbolce@esper.com)
Warnings : Check the prelude. I’ve gotten sick of writing it over and over (only two parts, even. I’m just that lazy)
Disclaimer : **points to the ‘warnings’ section**
Notes : Wow, I’m getting through this relatively quickly. That’s highly unusual for me. Is the world ending? I think it is, I think it is! ::snickers:: Anyways, this part will only have a mention of DilandauxVan. Sorry about that, it just turned out that way.. but, look on the bright side, more FolkenxDilandau fluffy-goodness! ::audience cheers:: Remember, I’ve only seen a little of this series, and remember even less than that. If there are any mistakes, pretend it’s AU, okay? ^^;;

/ / = thoughts [ ] = dreams ( ) = flashbacks


    After Dilandau’s second encounter with Folken he began to back off a bit. It had already been proven that the Strategos had to be the one to make the first move, not he. So he just laid back a little, but did still flirt over now and again. What surprised him, though, was on the few days when Folken would actually flirt back. His sweet words were rewarded with gentle touches and, once-in-awhile, a kiss on his forehead, ear, nose, once even the lips.

    Did that mean that Folken was finally starting to cave in? He hoped so. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait. Recently, he had been putting more force on the commander, but it proved a bad tactic in the end. Once he became more forceful, Folken once more was distant from him. 

    Knowing from experience that the Strategos did not like out-right flirting, he began to back off again. Unfortunately, the tactic didn’t work. Folken remained distant, almost contemplating his next move. It bothered Dilandau. It had been almost three weeks since he took on that stoic façade again. Dilandau was getting frustrated.

    Most of this infatuation(or all of it, as he so liked to blame but knew otherwise in his own mind) came from physical want. He was, after all, I teenager. His hormones were raging and trying to take a hold of him. He found himself having nightly wet dreams about the commander, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Even if he did crawl into Folken’s bed again, he would most likely be kicked out once more.

    Dilandau began to question himself. Why was he waiting for Folken? He saw the way the other Dragonslayers looked at him. He could have any of them, at any time, but he chose not to. Why? If Folken wasn’t willing to give consent, then why not move on to the next eligible person?

    And the feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever he thought of Folken, what was he supposed to think about that? This was all too confusing for him...

    It was Van Fanel who gave him a way out of his dilemma, as he thought at the time. He had heard Folken talk of a brother once the Dragon was brought upon the Vione, and began to plot.

    Dilandau had told Folken not to take long with his decision. He had warned him that he might lose his chance. To this, Folken had only replied, ’I hope I don’t’. This gave him reason to believe that if Folken thought he was going to lose his chance, that he would choose faster. Ah, jealousy, why wouldn’t it work?

    So the Dragonslayer let the Strategos go and talk to his little brother. It was after he had come back up and passed by him that he left the hanger holding the antique Escaflowne and started to make his way down the halls towards the ‘guest’ room. The room where the Dragon was being held. Where his plan would begin.


    Van awoke with a start when he heard footsteps right outside his door, that of metal boots. He shook his head, gathering his thoughts. He peered around the room, seeing where he was, as everything came back to him through a cloud and a headache. The room he was in was in the floating fortress, yes. He was being held prisoner, yes.

    Folken was his older brother, the one he had thought was dead for the last ten years. The one who was now asking him to join them. He shook his head again. / Brother... /

    He heard a tap on his door. He slid off the bed and crossed the room, his headache still bothering him a little. When he got to the door he realized that there was no doorknob on it. Why was someone tapping at the door then? Why not just come in...?

    “What are you doing down here, Dilandau?” a calm, low voice came from outside the door. / Folken? /

    “Ah, Folken,” the Dragonslayer outside his door purred, “might I ask you the same thing?”

    Van leaned against the door, pressing his right ear to the cool metal, wanting to hear this.

    “Dilandau,” Folken replied in a warning voice, “unless you have business down here, I suggest you go back up.”

    Dilandau laughed. “Business? No, I was looking for a little bit of distraction, actually...” Van could almost hear the teen’s grin just from his words. / Distraction? What is he talking about? /

    “...why?” Something in Folken’s voice seemed to... drop. Van was unsure what it was, but that was what it seemed like.

    “Folken, you love to play dumb, don’t you?” The teen chuckled. “You can’t be that naïve.”

    There was a pause before anything else was said. The silence was somewhat deafening, even in its briefness.

    “Dilandau,” Folken spoken almost too softly for someone with his stature.

    “Don’t even say a thing,” Dilandau said defensively. “There’s nothing you can say or do to persau—“

    There was a loud thud as something was slammed against the door. Van stumbled away from it, landing on his ass. He stared blankly at the closed off threshold, wondering what was happening on the other side. 

    Was Folken harming Dilandau for some unknown offense? It would serve him right, but Van couldn’t help feel a little pained at the thought. He wished he could open the door, to see what was going on out there...

    Folken was, needless to say, frustrated when Dilandau came down here. Especially for the reason he was down here.

    / But it’s my own fault, really, / he thought sadly. / How long did I honestly think someone as impatient as he would wait? / Folken couldn’t stand it. He knew he wanted the boy, but there were... issues he was still confused about. That he really didn’t want to deal with yet.

    “Dilandau,” he began, still looking for the words to dissuade him from going after his brother.

    “Don’t even say a thing,” Dilandau retorted. “There’s nothing you can say or do to persau—“

    Something inside Folken snapped. His movements were made before any thoughts. He slammed Dilandau against the door, his lips crushing against the boy’s. He instantly opened his mouth and let his tongue find it’s way into Dilandau’s more-than-willing mouth. He had only kissed in such a way once before, but it was not this passionate, this needy.

    When Dilandau started to slip down the door, Folken wrapped his flesh arm around the boy’s waist and pulled him even closer. The Dragonslayer wrapped his arms around Folken’s neck and pulled into the embrace, relaxing against the commander’s lips. As their tongues sparred with one another, Folken gently stroked the child’s cheek with his metal arm, similar to the way he had almost a month again at their last ‘encounter’. 

    They both came up for air, each panting softly. Dilandau had his sanguine eyes shut, a smile playing on the corner of his lips.

    “Does this dissuade you, Dilandau?” Folken whispered.

    Dilandau grinned, not opening his eyes. “A little.”

    “Good.” Folken removed himself from the boy, who had been putting all his weight on him, so when Folken left he fell to his knees. 

    Dilandau looked up at Folken in anger and confusion. “Hate you. I hate you so much, Strategos.”

    Folken had a pained expression on his face, a little upset with himself that he had to end this so soon yet again. “I know.” He took on his normal stoic façade as he held out his hand for the boy to take. “Come on. Let’s go.”

    Dilandau looked down in shame briefly before looking up at his commander again, the hatred still present in his eyes. “Hate you. Why do you do this?” He slapped the man’ hand away, standing up on his own. “I want to kill you for things like this, Folken.”

    Folken felt a stab in his chest from Dilandau’s words, but outwardly ignored them. His expression remained neutral as he stood before Dilandau, staring into the child’s eyes. Oh, how he could get lost in those eyes...

    “Fine, whatever, let’s leave,” Dilandau said in a huff, passing by the man, his shoulder bumping the other’s.

    Folken sighed as he turned around and followed Dilandau to the upper decks. This was getting harder each time he had one of these encounter with the child. What was the Strategos to do?


    Dilandau sat in a chair in his room, staring at nothing, head on his right palm. His index finger was scratching the hour-old scar, that should’ve stopped bleeding by now, but he kept scratching it.

    Damn that Van. Cutting his beautiful face like that... The defiance of the boy... And he was going to... to...

    The thought somewhat sickened Dilandau. Did he really want to fuck Van just to make Folken jealous? The plan would undoubtedly work, but couldn’t he get the Strategos some other way? It was more than obvious Folken wanted him, too. Hell, that kiss alone told him that.

    In the back of his mind, he also felt like he was... betraying Folken. But it was Folken who betrayed him; always leading him on, Dilandau would give him his trust to do whatever he wanted to him, and he would throw it back in his face. 

    / It’s your fault if you lose me, Folken, yours alone... I’ve given you more than enough chances to have me... /

    A gentle knock on the door grabbed Dilandau’s attention. He turned towards the closed off threshold and asked, “What is it?”

    The knob turned and the door slowly opened. The Strategos that was just plaguing the youth’s mind walked in softly, closing the door behind him. He came near where Dilandau sat, pieces of cloth held in his metal hand.

    “What do you want?” Dilandau said bitterly.

    Folken’s face showed his trademark stoicness, not answering the boy’s question right away. He reached down and put his finger under Dilandau’s chin, tilting his head so the child’s right side of his face was displayed to him. “I thought you hadn’t taken care of this,” Folken stated in a matter-of-fact face.

    Dilandau pushed Folken away. “So what if I haven’t?” He turned away from his commander, a little bit of hurt in his eyes that he was trying to shove away.

    Folken pulled a chair up to his right side. He ran his finger along the cut, sending a chill through Dilandau. “What are you doing?”

    “Taking care of this,” Folken said simply, “because I know you won’t.” He took the cloth in his hand, which was dampened, and ran it down the cut, washing it out.  Dilandau tried to sit still, but the coolness was unnerving. Once he had washed out the cut thoroughly, he placed a bandage that had also been in his hand over it. To top it off he gently kissed the now-bandaged wound.

    Dilandau stared at the floor, unsure of himself. Why was Folken so fickle? “Why do you do this to me, Folken?”

    “You are as much to plan as I, Dilandau,” Folken spoke gently, standing. “You were right before, to say I want this as much as you.” He sighed, facing the door. “But...  there’s a different reason for me. You don’t understand.”

    Dilandau placed his hand over Folken’s flesh hand. “Why wouldn’t I understand? You’re horrible at explaining things, Folken.”

    “I don’t want to explain this, either.” Folken bent down and gave Dilandau a soft kiss on his lips. He straightened himself out, looking somewhat distraught. “Maybe later. Goodnight.” He turned towards the door again and left, a large frown on his face the entire way.

    Dilandau sighed heavily at the silence that followed once the door was closed again. Reason...? What was he talking about? Why couldn’t he just give him a straight answer!?

    Dilandau gripped his hair in frustration. “Damn you, Folken, what will it take to have you?” He hissed as he pulled out some of the silvery-strands violently. He sat still for a moment, thinking. Then he smirked. 

    “Guess... I’ll just have to keep up with my plan, ne?”