Title|Three Sides to the Coin
Part|five /
Part Title|I Won’t Lie to You...
Authour|~sushisama~ (sbolce@esper.com)
Warnings|FolkenxDilandau angst/fluff (when
is it not in this fic?) and DilandauxVan implied.
Disclaimer|Check first part, sillies.
Notes|Ho-hai, I’m actually writing!
I think I may finish this story within tow or three more chapters.
Which is kind of sad, cause I liked writing this...
ohwell, if you guys are nice enough, I’ll write another
big-project-fic-thingie, sooner or later. Anyway,
I finally said ‘fuck it’ to the lent-thing, so I’m free to write!
Yaya! And I only had eleven more days to go, too...
Ohwell, I’m pathetic like that. Just
more writing for you all. ^_^
Oh, btw, for those of you who are lemon fans – did you all notice all
the different points in this fic where it could’ve more than easily
turned into a lemon? I’ve decided
to write a pwp about each chapter, at the point it could’ve gone lemon-ized,
just for you all. That, and I was
wanting to write lemons from my lack of writing before.
Yaya, be happy. The
sushisama loves you all. ^_^
Read and review!
Extra Little Fun Note|This takes place on the
night that the first part that the last chapter describes(you know, the part
where Van gets up and leaves?).
/ = thoughts [ ]
= dreams ( ) =
“Where the hell is he?” Dilandau asked himself for about the
fifth time, pacing back in forth in his room.
It was getting late and the Strategos had yet to show up. The Dragonslayer was starting to wonder if he had
chickened out, like he thought he would.
Their encounter that morning had not ended in the exact way he had hoped
for, but it did not end badly, either. There
was a whispered ‘goodbye’ and a kiss, but also a demand that the Strategos
would come to his room that night to discuss with him whatever he needed to.
And he was more than a little fed up with waiting.
The teen stopped in front of the lit fireplace, tapping his foot.
It only took him about ten taps before he turned around to the door,
ready to fetch Folken himself. However,
he didn’t have to go far – Folken stood in the doorway, wearing baggy sweat
pants and a wife beater(a/n, I love those things...
*@.@*), his usual stoic façade in place.
“About damn time,” Dilandau grunted, crossing his arms over his
“Happy to see you, too,” Folken said dryly, approaching the teen.
He stopped when he was only a few inches from him, then bent down some to
give the Dragonslayer a soft kiss on the lips, before sitting down in front of
the fire.
Dilandau gave him a suspicious look, wondering about the Strategos’
actions. He was acting like this
was some usual routine or something – his coming in here, kissing him as if
they were officially lovers, and then just making himself at home.
Then again, hadn’t Dilandau done the same thing when he went into
Folken’s room last night?
Dilandau shrugged it off and sat down next to the commander, bring his
knees to his chin and wrapping his arms around them.
He stared into the fire, waiting for Folken to speak, but was only
received by silence. He allowed it,
for a little while – after all, the Strategos might have just been thinking
about what he was going to say.
After awhile, though, it became just a little too annoying and silent for
him. “Whatever you were going to ask me this morning, Folken,”
Dilandau started, still staring at the flames, “go ahead and ask me.
I’m getting impatient.”
Folken let out a sound that sounded oddly like a chuckle.
“You were never patient to begin with, Dilandau,” he replied simply.
He extended his right hand and let the back of his metal knuckles across
Dilandau’s cheek in an affectionate gesture.
The teen shivered at his cold touch, but continued to stare forward.
“Just go ahead and ask me,” Dilandau commanded softly, pushing the
hand away from his face half-heartedly. “No
distractions until after we’re done talking.”
Folken sighed and retracted his arm, sitting with his hands in his lap.
“Right, no distractions.” He
snickered, coldly. “There’s
something I never thought you’d be the one to ask for.”
Dilandau looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
“Nothing.” Folken looked
into the fire again, once more falling silent.
Obviously, he was avoiding whatever subject he wanting to bring up that
“Strategos,” Dilandau called, “if you don’t start talking, I’ll
just have to resort to other measures to keep myself entertained.”
He grinned wickedly. “This
is one of the few times I’m actually willing to discuss something.”
Again, Folken sighed. “Right.”
He paused. “What I was
going to ask this morning was... Dilandau,
why are you doing all this?”
“I told you, Strategos,” Dilandau retorted harshly, “I want
you. What’s so hard to understand
about that?”
Folken shook his head, frowning. “Not
what I meant...” Folken turned
his gaze towards Dilandau. “Why
be so specific? Anyone on this ship
would more than gladly let you have them. Why
Dilandau fell silent, not knowing exactly how to answer the question.
He, himself, had asked it one too many times, ignoring it or giving
himself a sorry excuse. He didn’t
want to think about it – think about what it might mean. What was Folken getting at?
What was he suggesting?
“There’s nothing wrong with only wanting one person,” Dilandau
lamely defended himself. “I just
don’t see anyone more appealing than you, is all.
Nothing else to it.”
“I see,” Folken said quietly, a bit of hurt in his voice.
“Is that all it is? I
don’t know about you, but if I felt like only being with one person, I’d
think there was something more than lust that was driving me.”
He stood up slowly, looking solemn.
“And really, that’s the only thing I would want driving me.”
He crossed his arms, rubbing his shoulders as though he were cold.
He stood still for a moment before speaking up again.
“I really am a hopeless romantic,” he said bitterly, chuckling to
himself half-heartedly.
Dilandau watched him carefully, unsure how to reply.
/ More than lust driving you...? I
won’t let something like that get in my way.
No, Folken, don’t you bring that up... That isn’t what it is.
Not at all. /
“What drives you, then, Folken?” Dilandau spoke gently, standing up.
“What are you leading to with all this...?” He stepped behind the man, letting his arms slide underneath
Folken’s so he could trace light designs over his sculpted chest.
“Are you trying to tell me something?”
Folken took in a deep breath, shoving away the thoughts of how pleasant
it was to have Dilandau this close. He
let the boy touch him, but he knew he should not lead him on.
He wasn’t going to let anything happen.
He still had things to say...
“What do you think I’m going to say, Dilandau?” he whispered,
leaning back just the slightest bit so he was even closer to the child.
Dilandau smirked, putting his cheek against the man’s back.
It seemed as though the man was submitting.
He liked where this was going... “What
do I think?” He chuckled.
“I think that you’re going to mention something about ‘love’.”
He became a little firmer with his rubbing and went all around Folken’s
chest, coming to the edge of his pants and then going back up.
“But... that’s not what I want to hear, no matter how much you think
you need to say it.” He pulled
his cheek away from the warmth that Folken radiated so much, and started to kiss
the man’s shoulder blades. “You
don’t need ‘love’, Folken. That’s
a misconception. I think all you
need is a good fuck, and you’ll see things through my eyes...”
His hands found the rim of Folken’s shirt and pulled it up so his bare
skin could touch him.
Folken shuddered at the youth’s touch; his skin was so cold compared to
his. It felt wonderful... He
could feel his barriers weakening with every touch Dilandau gave him.
“Dilandau...” Folken breathed, his eyes half-closed.
“Shh, Strategos,” Dilandau whispered into his ear before biting down
on it gently. “Let me take care
of you. You need no emotions to
sate yourself.” His hands
ventured lower. “None at
Dilandau grinned wickedly, feeling the man he was caressing shake.
He would have him, finally. He
was so sure of it, that he didn’t even realize his next words and actions
until it was too late.
His hands had sunk to the junction between the man’s thighs and hips,
coming so close to the Strategos’ groin, he could feel the heat.
“Just ask your brother; no emotions needed...”
Folken’s eyes flew open. He
pushed the child away, making Dilandau hit the floor roughly.
He stared down at the child, an enraged look in his eyes.
Dilandau looked up at him, somewhat hurt, but his pain did not come even
near that of which showed in Folken’s eyes.
He looked so... defeated. Like
he had been ripped open.
/ And it’s my fault... my
fault he’s in pain... /
He flinched as Folken swept over him, leaning over the fallen youth.
“Don’t be so offended,” Dilandau said weakly, somewhat frightened
of what Folken was going to do to him now.
“You knew, didn’t you? Why
should it bother you now, if not before?”
When Folken didn’t answer, he continued, “It’s your own fault, you
know. You know I’m impatient.
You knew I wouldn’t wait so long!
I even fucking told you! You’ve
no right to–“
Folken gripped the teenager’s shoulders and pushed him back roughly,
the back of Dilandau’s head connecting with the floor almost painfully.
“No right? I’ve no right
to be upset?” he growled between clinched teeth.
“You sleep with my brother, and then try to sleep with me, and think I
wouldn’t be upset!?”
Folken was silent for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face,
considering his next words. Dilandau
looked worried, somewhat terrified by the violent mood swing Folken was having.
He told Folken what he would do. He
mentioned that he wouldn’t wait... And
the Strategos more than likely knew that he had been with his brother.
So why was he so angry...? Dilandau
didn’t understand.
“What you said before...” Folken finally spoke up, his voice suddenly
low. “You were right; I was going to tell you that I...”
He stopped, a look of sadness taken place of his rage.
“I... care about you, Dilandau.”
He winced, as though the information was painful to give.
“And I would only want you if you felt the same.
That is how I work, I guess.”
“And it’s not how I work,” Dilandau said cautiously, staring into
Folken’s darkened eyes.
Folken sighed. “I know.”
His grip loosened a little. “I
know...” He bent his head down
some so that his lips just barely touched the boy’s beneath him.
He pulled back, his eyes turning cold.
“So let’s just forget about this.
All of this.” He got up off the child and straightened himself out.
He extended his hand to help Dilandau up.
Dilandau reluctantly took it and allowed the commander to pull him up.
They stood in front of each other for a moment, staring into each
other’s eyes. It became silent
except for the fire dying behind Folken.
“I don’t want to forget this, Folken,” Dilandau whispered, biting
his lower lip. “I still want you.”
He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck.
“Just you...”
Folken hesitantly put his arms around the youth, pulling him closer.
“It’s not the same unless you can tell me you care, Dilandau.
And I don’t think you’re ready, or willing, to do that.”
Dilandau nuzzled into his neck. He
was right... he wasn’t ready for that. Not
yet. It wasn’t in him...
/ What will make you stay, Folken...?
I don’t want to lie to you... /
Folken gently released the boy, staring into those sanguine eyes he was
starting to love so much. What a
distraction... “Just forget it,
Dilandau. Everything... I don’t want you if I can’t have you.” He sighed, a look of hopelessness consuming him.
“Find someone else. I
don’t care. Just don’t bother me with this again.” His tone became harsh. “Never
again, got it?” He unlocked his
eyes from the youth’s and walked heavily towards the door.
“...and if I change my mind?” Dilandau said almost subconsciously.
Folken laughed bitterly. “Would
you? Even for me?”
His smirking face turned to a deep scowl, and, before Dilandau could
reply, he went out the room, closing the door lightly behind him.
Dilandau stared at the door, his mouth agape.
He had no clue how to respond to any of this.
Folken had just completely turned his back on him... But why? Because
Dilandau couldn’t say he cared about him?
Couldn’t say he loved him?
Was it that important to the Strategos?
Dilandau gripped his hair, practically ripping it out.
“Christ, I’m so fucking confused!” he yelled at no one.
“Why can’t you make sense, Folken!?” He winced as he pulled some of the silvery strands from his
He sat heavily onto his bed, still cradling his head in his hands.
Something trickled down his cheeks, warm and wet.
He wiped away at it, wondering if he pulled enough hair out to actually
make himself bleed. The
liquid, however, was clear, and when he licked it off his fingers, it tasted
salty. Tears...?
“Why does it hurt so much?” he murmured.
“I don’t care about you, I just want to fuck you...”
The last bit was said half-heartedly.
Dilandau knew he was lying to himself, but his pride got in the way of
admitting it.
He stood up hastily. “And
I’ll prove it. I can be with
someone else. I don’t need
you.” He made his way to his
closet to fish out some clothes and get out of his nightwear.
“I can have anyone I want. Don’t
need you at all...”
It was just like the other night, peaceful and cool, as Van walked
through the forest. He had high
hopes of seeing the Dragonslayer again, but had a dark feeling he wouldn’t get
his wish. He stopped his wanderings
and leaned against a tree, letting a deep sigh escape.
“Damn...” He rested his
head against the bark. “What was
I thinking?”
“We just keep running into each other, don’t we, Dragon?” a playful
voice spoke next to his ear, making Van jump.
The young king whirled around to face whoever it was, his eyes meeting
with the smirking ones of just the boy he was looking for – Dilandau.
The Dragonslayer was grinning sadistically, but his eyes were somewhat...
off, different than before. Van
couldn’t put his finger on it, but didn’t really care at the moment.
“We should do it more often,” Van said smoothly, trying to sound
seductive. He stepped up to his
enemy and forcefully kissed him.
“Yeah, we should,” Dilandau said half-heartedly once they had broken
from their kiss. “We should...”