Title. Fangs
Authour. ~sushisama~ (sushivice@netscape.net)
Warnings. Fluff. And slash.
Slash is between two guys, in case you didn't know.
Riku x Sora.
Disclaimer. Riku, Sora, Kairi, and all those other characters are
copyrighted to Square and Disney. And
whoever else there is who made them.
Notes. The second I saw Sora in that outfit from Halloween Town, I had to
write this fic. It just went into
my mind and wouldn't go away. So, I
wrote it. Extreme fluff, some
ooc-ness. That, and it's au. Very au. Keep
that in mind. Read and review,
/ = thoughts [ ]
= dreams ( ) =
"So~ra!" Kairi's sweet voice chirped through the bathroom door.
"Sora, hurry it up! We'll
be late to the party!"
"Okay, okay..." Sora
quickly applied the last of his make-up before placing the pumpkin mask over his
right eye. He stared at the mirror for another moment before grinning
proudly, saying to himself, "You'll knock 'em dead, Sora!"
The brunette exited the bathroom and bounced happily to his friend.
"All right, Kairi, let's get going!" She nodded and the two headed towards the door of their
shared hotel room in Halloween Town before Sora suddenly stopped. "Hey, Kairi?"
She turned to him with a questioning look on her normally pink face that
was now white for her costume. "Yeah,
"Where's Riku?"
"Oh, he went on ahead. He
didn't want us seeing his costume before the party."
Sora smirked and shook his head. "Just
like him..."
Sora and Kairi were greeted at the Guillotine Gates by the host of the
party, Jack Skellington. There were
many different faces there, all from different worlds, gathered to the yearly
Halloween party in Halloween Town. This
was the first year that Sora and Kairi had been invited, now that they were
fourteen. Riku had been invited the
year before, but had not because he did not want to leave his friends behind.
Sora wondered around and mingled while looking for his friend.
No matter who he asked, no one knew where Riku was, nor had they seen him
at all that evening.
The blue-eyed teen sighed and gave up after an hour of searching.
/ And I really wanted him to see my costume, too... / He had worked on the outfit for a few weeks now, getting
every last part of it together. A
lot of it was black leather, which cost him quite a bit.
He had the same kind of poofy-pants and short-sleeved jacket that he
normally wore, with a crown brooch that had little bat wings on it that matched
the ones on his back. His brown
hair was dipped in black at the tips and he had that pumpkin mask on over his
eye. His favourite part of the
outfit, though, was his vampire fangs.
All in all, he was very happy with his costume.
"Still haven't found him, Sora?" Kairi asked, her own fake
fangs glistening in the dim light of the party, fitting her vampire visage.
Sora sat down heavily on the stone wall in a corner of the town square.
"No, I haven't. And no
one else knows where he is, either." He
put his head on his hands. "Where
do you think he is?"
Kairi shrugged. "I'm
not sure... But, you know him. He'll show up soon and make a big entrance.
So, for right now, let's go have fun, okay?"
"Okay... but..."
"Hey, if he doesn't show up in another hour, we'll go searching. Okay?"
Sora nodded hesitantly. Kairi
nodded and kissed him on top of the head, chirping, "Don't worry too much
about him. You know he'll come back soon." With that, she skipped off and traveled over to a group of
females that were wearing elegant clothing, like that of princesses.
Sora stayed where he was for a moment, still a little worried about his
"Guess I should go enjoy myself for a bit..."
He smirked. "Kairi's
right, though. He will show up in
some big entrance. Show off."
He jumped off the wall and began to head to the party when a white flash
caught his eye coming from the direction of the graveyard.
"What the...?"
He followed the light to the gates, at which he noticed that it was
Jack's little ghost dog, Zero. "Hey,
boy!" he called to it in a friendly manner.
It turned to him, red nose glowing brightly.
It barked once before turning and going through the gates.
Curious, Sora followed him.
Beyond the iron bars was the graveyard of Halloween Town that he had
always meant to travel to. On the
tombstones, he had been told, there were witty sayings and histories of some
very respectable people. It was
also a gorgeous place to be at night with the way the moon would hit the open
"Zero!" Sora called, looking around.
"Where'd you go, boy?" He
began to wonder around, whistling every now and again and calling out for the
Sora stopped in his search as he came to an unusual hill.
It had a long piece of it that was curled up, similar to the proboscis of
a butterfly. The moon hit it
directly, illuminating it fully and making a halo around a silhouetted figure
that stood on its top.
The brunette grinned as he recognized the figure and shouted,
"Riku!" He ran to the top of the hill as quickly as he could,
over-joyed he had finally found his friend.
The silver-haired fifteen year old turned to him as he approached,
smirking. "Sora.
I was beginning to wonder when you'd find me."
Sora stopped in front of him, panting.
"I... didn't know I was supposed..."
Pant. "...to find
"Really? Kairi was
supposed to tell you."
Sora cocked in eyebrow at his friend's statement.
"Why? Why did you just
want me to come and get you?"
Riku grinned but did not answer. He
out-stretched his arms, displaying his outfit.
"Do you like?"
Sora examined the costume: Riku was dressed up like a werewolf, complete
with fangs, ears, and a tail. He
had on fake nails that extended like claws, and his skin was covered in a silver
sheen that matched his hair perfectly and was painted on to give the effect of
real fur. In the moonlight that
fell on the hill, he looked exactly like werewolf.
"Yeah, it's great," Sora complimented sincerely.
"You like mine?"
Riku looking him over, his eyes lingering here and there, especially on
Sora's face. "I think it suits
you well. Except..." He reached out and grasped the pumpkin mask, removing it from
his forehead. "There.
Much better."
"Aw, but I liked that thing..."
"Well, that might be true, but it was cheesy compared to the rest of
your outfit. Besides," Riku
smirked once more, voice taking on a tone that Sora was unfamiliar with, "I
like being able to see both your eyes."
Sora blushed. "W...what
do you mean by that?"
"Did you bring your sword with you?
I wouldn't mind fighting," the older boy changed the subject.
Sora shook his head. "Sorry,
I didn't think I'd be needing it at the party..."
"That's all right." There
was a brief silence between them, where Riku only smiled and Sora felt a little
uncomfortable under the silver-haired boy's icy gaze.
Riku was acting... much differently than normal.
"Are you... feeling all right, Riku?"
"Of course. Why?"
"You just seem different, is all."
"Ah. You want to go
back to the party?" Riku asked, sounding a little disappointed with the
"It doesn't matter to me."
Sora went to the peak of the hill, staring into the moon.
"I kind of like it here. It's
peaceful and quiet." He turned
his head towards his friend. "And
I have you as company. What more
could I ask for?"
Riku stepped beside Sora, staring at the moon as well.
"I agree. It's nice not
to have to worry about all those people around."
"I wonder if they even noticed that we're gone?"
"Does it matter?"
Sora was silent for a moment. "...no,
I guess it doesn't."
Another silence. Then,
suddenly, Riku pounced onto Sora, tackling him and rolling the both of them down
the hill. Sora yelped as he hit the
ground, but soon found the playfulness that Riku was going for and wrestled for
the top as they rolled down.
At the bottom, Riku proudly leaned over the loser, straddling Sora's
hips. He grinned in an almost
predatorily fashion as he stared into Sora's blue eyes, his hands on either side
of his head. "Looks like I won, Sora."
Sora smirked. "This
time, Riku, this time." He
winced suddenly. "Ouch.."
Riku's demeanor suddenly changed to one of concerned as he asked,
"What's wrong?"
The brunette lifted his hand, bringing the back of it in front of his
face to examine. "I think
there was a piece of glass or something that I rolled on.."
Riku gently took the injured hand and removed the glove on it, examining
it for himself. "Yeah, looks
like a cut. Nothing too bad,
though." He stared at the cut
for a moment not saying anything, his eyes full of thought.
Riku gently kissed the cut on his friend's hand, his lips lingering.
Sora's eyes went wide. "R-riku...?
What are you doing...?"
The older boy licked some of the blood off the cut before he bent over so
that his face was directly above Sora's, peering into the younger boy's eyes.
"Sora... You could
never imagine how long I've wanted to be alone with you like this..."
"W...what are you talking about?"
Riku's lips were soon upon the boy's beneath him in a chaste kiss.
Sora did not respond but stared blankly as his friend raised his head
back up so he could stare into his eyes again.
"Do you mind?" Riku whispered.
Sora gulped. Did he?
He had never thought of Riku like this before...
he had never thought of anyone like this before.
"I... don't know..."
Riku smirked and leaned down again, pressing another soft kiss to his
friend's lips. "Tell me if you
do..." He kissed the boy's
forehead. "And I'll
"...o...okay..." Sora replied in an unsure voice.
Riku again kissed his lips, this time biting down gently on Sora's lower
lip in order to open it a bit so he could slide his tongue into the wet chamber.
Sora was new to the sensation and wasn't exactly sure how to respond.
He knew that it did feel good, though, so he didn't stop the boy above
The moon climbed higher into the night sky as the two continued, Riku
teaching Sora of his affections, Sora being a more than willing student.
Later on in the evening Sora and Riku made their appearance to the party,
not catching too many looks at first. Kairi
came up to them and hugged them both, asking, "Where have you two been? We've all been wait--"
She paused, staring at Sora's neck.
"Hey, Sora, did someone bite you?
Like, a vampire or something...?"
She looked at Riku and grinned as she saw similar marks on his neck.
"Oh. I wonder what you
two were up to...?"
Sora blushed, but Riku only chuckled and grinned as he put his arm around
Sora's waist. "We weren't up
to anything," he remarked as he led Sora off to the hotel.