Title. To Hurt You
Authour. ~sushisama~ (sbolce@esper.com)
Rating/Genre. NC-17/angst
Warnings. Yaoi(TasukixNuriko). Lemon.
Rape. Take these seriously,
my friends. No liking of the yaoi?
Then no reading of the fic. It’s
that simple.
Disclaimer. Fushigi Yuugi is copyrighted to Yuu Watase.
Summary. Tasuki dreams of his desires and wants.
Notes. First and foremost, I do not think Tasuki would ever do
anything like this. Why am I
writing this fic at all is because the idea just popped into my mind a little
while ago as I awoke. I don’t
know where it came from, but I had to write it.
Read and review, please. I’m
thinking of doing a sequel, and I may or may not, due to people’s responses.
I want you. I’ve always
wanted you. Couldn’t you tell? Couldn’t you see the lust in my eyes, every time I looked
at your gorgeous body? The hurt
every time you fawned over the emperor, instead of me?
Were you so blind, or did I not show it enough to you?
I always found you attractive, though you were astoundingly feminine.
Granted, I’ve always preferred a male bed partner over a female one,
and you were far too womanly for my tastes. Or so I thought.
But I would find my mind wandering towards you, the things I could do to
your lithe form, naked and definitely male in my dreams.
It consumed me, to where every time I looked at you, I wanted to take you
then and there.
I had to avoid you some times, times when I knew I wouldn’t be able to
hold myself back. I was almost glad
when Tamahome had hurt me to the point I couldn’t do more than walk around in
a pathetic manner, or just lay in bed. You
would spend so much time with me then, talking about this and that. I got to learn a lot about you, especially because you liked
to talk so much.
I think it was from the time you spent with me that I started to care for
you, as much as I lusted for you. And
I wanted to voice it, but... I didn’t know what to say or what to do to show
you my affection. You still loved
Hotohori, after all. I wasn’t
about to take that from you. After
all, what am I, a lowly bandit, compared to the grace and magnificence of his
The night before we were to summon Suzaku, I dreamt of you, after
Mitsukake had left after healing me(finally).
I dreamt of finding you, bouncing and hyper, glad that I could finally
move uninhibited.
You were down near the pond, wearing a simple, silken, purple night gown,
your back to me. The moon hit you
just right, so that you looked like you had a silver glow about you.
It was beautiful... almost as beautiful as you.
I found my feet moving before my mind.
I couldn’t stop my actions once they started.
I came up behind you, wrapping my arms possessively around your waist,
purring into your ear, “Nuriko...”
You turned your head to the side, looking at me with uncertain eyes.
“Tasuki, what are you doing?”
I grinned. I didn’t know
what I was doing, but I had a feeling where I was headed.
I let go of you, sauntering to stand in front of you.
My eyes got drunk off the heavenly sight of you, gown opened in the front
to reveal a tone chest, pale as the moon. Your hair was braided and was flung over your shoulder, much
like how you normally wore it when traveling.
I stepped closer to you, slipping some errant bangs from your face to
behind your ear. I leaned forward,
my lips coming only scant space to yours. I
saw your violet eyes get large. You
were questioning my motives, I could tell.
Maybe I should’ve been questioning my motives.
But my eyes grew full of lust, and I left no further question to myself.
I had to have you.
I closed the gap between us, placing my lips over yours in a, at first,
chaste kiss. My hand came up to cup
your cheek, sliding over the smooth skin and tilting it a little, to give myself
better access. I deepened the kiss,
biting your lower lip, begging for entrance that you denied me.
I felt hurt that you wouldn’t let me, but understand somewhere in the
back of my mind. After all, your
heart belonged to Hotohori, didn’t it?
Not like I cared right then, though.
I shoved you roughly onto your back, ripping off your gown in the
process, never breaking contact between our mouths.
Once I was rid of the garment that separated us and you were flat on your
back, I sat up some way, staring down at my prize.
You were scared. I could
tell in your eyes.
“Tasuki...” You looked
up at me with large eyes, pleading. I
wondered briefly if you were pleading for me to continue or to stop, though I
knew the latter was true. I just
didn’t care, and had hoped you’d want it as bad as me.
“Stop, Tasuki, please...”
I silenced you with another kiss, my hands trailing gently down your
chest. You still wouldn’t let me enter your mouth, so I pulled
away, nipping at your jaw line and neck. You
inhaled sharply, a sound that communicated pleasure, confusion, maybe even hurt.
My teeth found the junction between your neck and shoulder, biting you
deep enough to bleed. You gasped,
arching your back into me.
I pulled away only momentarily to remove the layer of clothes I had on.
There was far too much between us, keeping me from feeling my skin
against yours. I discarded the
garments along side of your gown, then went back to assaulting your body.
No... assaulting is too harsh of a word.
Loving you. That’s what I
was doing.
I kissed you on the lips once more, determined to have you respond to me.
My tongue was met with a wall of teeth, but you gasped when I lightly
touched one of your nipples, enough to let me in. you were sweet, like you had had some of that candy Miaka had
brought from her place. I explored
your mouth, mapping it our in my mind, though you did nothing in return.
I was frustrated by that, but it was expected.
I sighed into your mouth, lifting my head some.
“Nuriko...” I purred, my eyelids half-closed with lust.
“God, you don’t know how much I want you...”
“Please don’t,” I heard you beg.
“Please don’t, Tasuki.” God,
even your pleading was heaven in my ears.
It was then I realised how hard I was.
I gave you a feral grin, before lifting up your legs and putting them
over my shoulders, leaning over so I could stare into your scared eyes.
My arm found its way to the small of your back, pushing you upwards to
allow me better access. My other
hand found its way to your still-limp penis, massaging it gently in my palm.
I was going to make you like this, one way or another.
I bent down to give you another kiss just as I roughly entered you,
muffling the loud yelp of pain you made. I
knew it was going to hurt, it wasn’t as if I was a virgin or anything.
I pushed myself the entire way into you, slowing pulling back out until
only the tip reminded inside. Then
I went back in and started a, at first, slow rhythm that steadily grew faster.
All the while, I pumped you with my hand, feeling you finally react in a
pleasant way.
You would scream into my mouth, muffled pleas to let you go.
But my mind was working in a haze, and I couldn’t think much more than
the virgin hole I was in, tight around my cock.
It felt so wonderful. Just
like how I always imagined it, Nuriko. Only
the pleasure was so much, much more now that I finally had you.
My thrusts became more wild and needing, the want and desire to take you
growing with each time I pulled out and went back in.
My pace quickened, both inside of you and my hand, and I felt myself
growing to the edge. It was another
moment before I would bite down on your lip, howling your name, releasing my
seed inside of you. You followed
closely, with a moan mixed of unwanted pleasure and pain.
I drew myself out of you, licking my hand clean of the tangy taste of
you. It tasted almost as wonderful as your mouth.
I leaned over, kissing you, running my tongue inside your wet chamber to
give you a taste of yourself. As I
pulled back to stare down at you, my mind finally realised what I had just done.
I think it was the emptiness in your eyes that triggered it.
I looked down to between my legs, noticing there was a little blood on
my, as well as on the ground around your rear.
My face drained of colour.
“Nuriko, I... I’m so sorry...”
You only looked up at me with disbelieving eyes.
The mistrust that was building in them made a fist around my heart, as
tears split down the side of your cheeks. I
could feel my own tears trailing down my face, my own eyes full of horror.
I picked you up, hugging you close to my body as I silently sobbed on
your shoulder, you on mine. “I’m
so sorry...”
You didn’t respond. I
didn’t care, though. Whatever you
said would have only made me feel guiltier than I did.
I let go of you, gently laying you back on the ground as I quickly got
dressed. I wrapped you up in your
gown and scooped you up into my arms. You
curled into yourself, as if you didn’t really want me to touch you(which I
could understand) but knew you didn’t have a choice in the matter.
I quickly and quietly carried you back to your room, placing you
underneath the covers. I sat on the
edge of your bed, contemplating the repercussions of my act.
The others would hate me, I know that.
the emperor would most likely want to slit my throat.
But, most importantly, Nuriko would never trust me again.
I don’t know if I could live with you trusting me, without you knowing
that I’d do anything for you, if only it would make you happy.
But the time for that was over. I
knew you’d never let me touch you again, and I can understand that.
I won’t ever touch you again, or even come near you, if that’s what
you want.
I bent over to give you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“I’m sorry...” I whisper. Sorry
that I did this to you. Sorry that
I wanted to do this to you. Sorry
that, if given the chance, I would do this to you again.
“I love you.” It
wouldn’t mean much to you, but I had to let you know...
I gave you a feather-light kiss on the side of your mouth, then stared
into your hollow eyes for a moment.
“Get out.” Your voice
was monotone, so unlike the chirp I’m used to.
It was empty.
“...all right,” I agreed, sighing in defeat.
“Please don’t... don’t tell anyone.
Having you not trust me again will be enough to kill me, but everyone
else as well...”
You tilted your head so you didn’t have to look at me.
“Go away, Tasuki.”
I nodded. I got up from your
bed and made my way to the door before turning around to look at your beautiful
form once more. “I’m sorry.” Then I left.
I awoke the next morning with a start.
It was a horrible dream, especially because of the pleasure it brought
along with it. But I’m glad it
was just a dream. So very glad. I could never live with myself, after having done something
like that to the one I love...
I quickly got dressed and ran down to where everyone was, ready to summon
Suzaku. I was in good spirits, glad I was healed, and ready to spend
more time with Nuriko.
When I got there, I was greeted warmly by everyone; they were glad to see
I was in good health. The only one
that didn’t say anything was Nuriko. You
just stared at me with hollow eyes, a sneer on your face.
“Nuriko? What’s
wrong?” I asked, confused.
Your eyes were red, like you’d been crying.
You gripped at your shirt, the hurt evident in your face.
...wasn’t it a dream?