Title. Glossed Over
one / three
Part title.
Forgotten kiss
~sushisama~ (sushivice@netscape.net)
Warnings. Fluffy.  Very fluffy.  Just like my other fic.  Shounen-ai between Riku and Sora.
Disclaimer. All characters from the game Kingdom Hearts are copyrighted to Disney and Square.
Notes. A little story I'm doing waiting for more ideas to come to me for my 'Fangs' fic.  This fic is going to be in three parts: the first part is before the game, the second during, and the third after(which won't be made for awhile because I haven't beaten the game yet).  Read and review, please.

/ / = thoughts


            The sun shone dimly along the sands of the Destiny Island, flooding it in an orange glow as it set behind the sea.  The island was completely peaceful, some bugs chirping and the breeze blowing gently, not much louder than that.  And then there was a loud crack of wood against wood as two figures battled one another with wooden swords.
            "That all you got?" one of the figures, a silver-haired boy, asked in a mocking tone.  "I bet even Selphie fights better than you!"
            The other figure, a brunette with spiked hair, smirked at his friend and charged him, sword held in readied position.  "Don't be so cocky, Riku!  You haven't won yet!"
            Riku easily deflected his friend's strike, using enough force to knock the sword completely out of his hand.  The older boy grinned as he held the tip of his sword to his friend's chest.  "Now may I be cocky?"
            Sora snorted, rubbing his wrist where he had been disarmed.  "I guess, but it wouldn't be appreciated..."
            Riku chuckled and put his sword down near the bent Paopu tree of the small island, taking a seat on it.  "Don't be a sore loser, Sora."
            Sora sat down cross-legged at the foot of the tree, crossing his arms.  "I'm not a sore loser," he pathetically defended, his lower lip stuck out in a pout.
            "I should beat you more often.  You look kind of cute when you're pouting," Riku joked.
            "Better than you," Sora stated, smirking.  "You look all grumpy when you lose."
            "Aww, I'm not even the slightest bit cute?"
            "Not at all."
            The two of them laughed, then fell into a comfortable silence.  Sora watched the setting sun, his eyes full of admiration for the beauty of it.  Riku himself had the same look in his eyes - but not for the beautiful sun, no.  It was for his friend that sat so class, whom he thought was more beautiful than a thousand sun sets.
            It wasn't something he would voice out loud, though...
            After a while, Sora turned his head to ask Riku something only to find that Riku was staring at him.  He wondered how long Riku had been staring, but decided to ignore it, and asked, "Think our parents would mind too much if we just stayed out here tonight?  I feel like camping out..."
            Riku blinked.  That was an unexpected question.  But it didn't surprise him all that much.  Sora loved to stay out on the beach at least once a week.  He smiled.  "I don't think they'll care.  Should we go tell them?"
            "Nah.  I think mom knows by now that if I don't come home, it means I'm camping..."
            "And my parents will probably assume the same if we're both gone...  You want to see if Kairi can stay, too?"
            Sora hesitated before answering.  "...nah.  As mean as it sounds, we spend enough time with her.  It's been awhile since the two of us have had some time to ourselves."
            Riku smirked.  He liked the idea of spending the night alone with Sora.         It was mid-summer, so the two of them wouldn't have to worry about getting cold.  / But... if it does get cold... /  He grinned.  / ...I could always find other ways to get warm. /
            "What are you thinking about?" a soft voice sounded from beside him.  Riku started a little, surprised at how silently and quickly Sora had moved to now be seated next to him on the Paopu tree.
            "You just looked really deep in thought...  I was wondering what about..."
            "Oh."  Riku turned away so he was staring at the ocean's surface.  The sun was halved on the horizon, the ocean giving it the appearance of being a complete circle.    "Nothing, really..."
            "Nothing, huh?" Sora interrogated further, leaning forward a bit so he could stare up into his friend's face, beyond the silver strands.  "I think you're lying."
            "You won't leave me alone until I tell you, won't you?"  Sora nodded.  Riku paused before saying anything else.  He turned to the Paopu fruits and got an idea.  "I was wondering, actually, what a Paopu fruit would taste like..."
            "You've never had one before?" Sora asked in a shocked town.
            Riku wondered why he was surprised.  What would be the point of eating one of the Paopu fruit unless you have someone to share it with.  "Nope, never.  Have you?"
            "Yeah, a couple years back."
            "What'd it taste like?"
            Sora took a look of thought for a moment before answering, "You know what?"  He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.  "I don't remember!"
            Riku laughed at his friend that faded to just a calm smile.  "Would you like to try it again?"
            Sora grinned.  "Sure!"  He jumped up and over Riku's lap, scurrying up the tree and back in only a few seconds.  Again, Riku was laughing at his friends antics as Sora sat down next time him, handing him one of the yellow star-shaped fruit as he held one for himself.
            Riku frowned slightly.  He wanted to share a fruit, not eat one himself.  He set the one he held next to him and took the one that Sora was about to bite into.
            "Hey!  What are you doing?  I gave you your own..."  Sora stuck out his lower lip in a pout.  Riku grinned.
            "I still think you're cute when you pout like that," Riku casually remarked as he ripped the fruit in half.  He handed the half to his friend and put his half to his lips, the tanginess seeping some into his mouth.  He watched Sora out of the corner of his eye, waiting for his friend to take a bite of his piece.
            "Riku... you know what it means to share the Paopu, don't you...?"
            "Of course I do.  But, Sora," he took a small bite of the fruit, "there's no one else I want to share it with."  He swallowed and then smiled.
            Sora blushed.  He stared at the fruit in his hands before taking a bite.  "Mmm... sweet..."
            They both finished their pieces in silence, discarding the furry tips at the points into the ocean.  They sat back, heads tilted to the slowly rising moon.
            "So, I guess..." Sora started, smiling gently, "that I'm stuck with you forever now, aren't I?"
            Riku smirked.  "Yeah.  I guess you are.  But how do you think I feel?  I'm stuck taking care of you for the rest of my days."
            "At least you'll take good care of me, right, Riku?" Sora asked with a cute look on his face and then laid his head on Riku's shoulder.  The contact sent a warm feeling throughout Riku's entire being.
            "I always will, Sora..."  He put his arm around Sora's waist and pulled the smaller boy closer. 
            "No one better to do the job..." Sora said through a yawn.
            "A little..."
            "Go ahead and lie down then..."  Sora nodded groggily and slid off the tree, laying down at the base of it.  Riku followed and lied down next to him.  He laid on his back, staring up at the stars, when he felt an arm go over his chest.  He turned his head to face the boy next to him.  Sora was smiling at him, staring into his eyes.
            Riku flipped onto his side and leaned into him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.  When he pulled away, he flipped onto his back again, cradling the younger boy into his side.  "Good night, Sora."
            Sora nuzzled Riku's neck.  "'Night..."
            Under the moon, the two drifted off into a warm and comfortable sleep.