Title. Lost and Found
Part. one / -
Part title. Fighting the darkness
Authour. ~sushisama~ (sushivice@netscape.net)
Warnings. Sappiness for all, much to my chagrin.
I've always wanted to say that. Hieh.
Spoilers for the end of the game, as well. And shounen-ai everywhere.
I guess I should mention that.
Disclaimer. The characters mentioned herein are property of Squaresoft
and Disney.
Notes. Aha, the continuation to 'Glossed Over'.
And out so quickly after the ending of the other one, as well.
Go me. I'm on the ball. I'm tired and lacking in sleep, but at least I'm on the ball.
This part isn't all that good, but it's just kind of a set-up for the
next part. Well, no not really... but
I really wanted to write this little bit, so, eh, deal with it.
I feel no need to explain myself further.
Read and review, please? *squees
/ = thoughts [ ]
= dreams ( ) =
The Paopu fruit was a legend known to anyone that lived on the Destiny
Island. If one were to share the
fruit with someone, their two destinies would become entwined.
No matter what happened, something would always bring the two souls back
together, no matter the distance of separation, whether it is by land or by
It was a legend Sora had known since he was a little boy.
He always thought of it as some romantic story that, more than likely,
was made by some woman, desiring more attention from her boyfriend. No matter how cheesy it was, though, he still believed in it
and took it very seriously.
He would only share the fruit with someone he thought would be able to
take care of him. A lover, maybe,
or just a best friend. In any case,
he would not carelessly share the fruit with just anyone.
And, when he did find someone, he would do anything to stay with that
The Keyblade master had come across said person, and had indeed shared
the fruit with him. But it seemed
now that he would never get the chance to live out his life with his
silver-haired friend, and instead would be left to the darkness of his heart.
He fought the Heartless mindlessly, the graceful movements and techniques
of his sword fighting a habit against those that threatened he and his friends. Alongside of Donald and Goofy, he defeated monsters that were
in the shape of demons and angels, focusing his energy on his ultimate goal: to
find Ansem. And make him pay for
what he had done, not only for the people of the different worlds, but for Riku.
Riku. The silver-haired
beauty that had shared the Paopu fruit with Sora.
The teenager had been taken into the darkness known as Ansem and made
into a puppet. Sora had been so
close. So close to finally being
with Riku, the way he had always dreamed to be, after the night under the Paopu
tree over a year ago.
And then it was taken away.
He fought his way through the different worlds until he finally made it
to the End of the World. The
hardest of Heartless were there and it took them several fights with several
heals and potions before they made it to the Final Rest.
As Donald and Goofy set their stuff down to rest for a minute, Sora
stared at the door in front of him. He
knew where it would lead to.
"Sora," Donald started, "sit down and rest.
And then we should take the Gummi ship and go back to Traverse for a few
more supplies."
The brunette turned around to face his friends, an unreadable look on his
face. "We have enough. There's
no need to go back. Only to go
"But... Sora, I think
it would be a good idear to just go back, if only for a few minutes," Goofy
"No." Sora's tone
was final. "We have to get
Ansem. We have to make him pay for
what he has done."
The king's guards just stared at him, not knowing exactly what to say.
They knew why the boy wanted to destroy the ruler so badly, but they
didn't know it would be to the point where Sora would only be able to see his
main goal. They figured it would be
best to let Sora do with his revenge quickly.
After all, they did need to get back to their king as soon as possible...
"Sora, just rest for a minute, then," Goofy urged.
"And then we'll go get 'im. But
there's no use in you going without any strength."
The human was silent for a moment before he weakly nodded and stepped
onto the glowing green circle that would restore his health.
As the point worked his magic, he breathed heavily, imagining what it
would be like to fight Ansem. And
to destroy him.
/ You will pay for taking him from me, Ansem...
You will pay... /
"Why do you fight me, boy?" Ansem asked Sora as they stood
face-to-face in the hollowed out tree on the Destiny Island.
"Why do you fight the darkness?
We are all to return to it. Will
you not accept this, and allow your heart to sink?"
"Never," Sora said in a final tone.
"But..." The
former ruler smirked, his voice taking on a hint of mockery.
"Don't you want to follow him?
Don't you want to be with him again?"
Sora did not reply at first. It
wasn't that easy of a question for him to answer.
After a moment of concentration, he breathed a heavy sigh and then stared
Ansem deep into his empty eyes, his expression that of determination.
"Of course I want to follow him.
But, there's no point. Because..."
He grinned. "Because
I don't want to be yelled at for an eternity for giving up so easily."
Ansem glared. "Insolent
fool," he sneered. "You
shall pay for the trouble you've caused me.
When I am done with you, there won't be enough for you to even become a
Heartless. You shall never see him again."
"You're wrong." Sora
readied his Keyblade, prepared for the upcoming battle.
"We have to see each other once again.
After all..." He
launched himself at Ansem, clipping the older man's arm.
He turned around quickly, ready for another attack.
"He has a promise to keep to me."