Title. Lost and Found
Part title.
~sushisama~ (sushivice@netscape.net)
Notes.  Second part.  Finally.  Augh.  *dies from lack of sleep and food*

/ / = thoughts     [ ] = dreams     ( ) = flashbacks


            It was so easy to fall.  Sora had not the intent for it, but it came so easily, and he felt no need to resist.  So he gave in.  The feeling was quiet familiar - he had fallen like this once before.  It had been when he shoved Riku's Keyblade through his heart in order to free the Princesses...  The darkness that was around him, that was all consuming... he fell further into it.
            It felt like an eternity of endless floating.  He wondered when it would finally stop.  It didn't take so long last time.  At least, it didn't feel like it took as long.  He remembered becoming a Heartless rather quickly, watching the discussion between Riku and Ansem and then chasing after his other friends upon his love's command.
            When he finally landed, it was on his back upon something soft and cold.  It made him shiver, but he didn't feel much like getting up and finding warmth.  He only curled onto his side, trying to conserve all the heat he could.  Even though he stopped falling, it was still getting darker... and darker...
            Sora allowed his eyes to close, trying to think of the light he once knew.  After all...  he could not follow...  he could not follow...
            Suddenly his neck was craned upward some, one of the two necklaces around his neck being pulled upon.  He saw the crown pendent laying on the ground next to him, so he knew that it was the necklace Riku had given him that one night that the person was inspecting.
            / Riku... /  The silver-haired boy had given him the gift the same night he had made the promise to always take care of the Keyblade master.  The promise he hadn't kept..  That Sora hoped there was some way of still keeping...
            "Get up, Sora," a soft voice called, though it seemed to scold him.  It sounded familiar to him for some reason...
            Sora remained on the ground, not wanting to move if only in fear of becoming cold.  He heard the other person sigh heavily, before he was yanked violently off the ground into a rather tight, but warm, embrace.
            "You idiot..."  The words were whispered in a hot breath that went past his ear, making Sora shiver.
            Sora's blue eyes widened as he finally realized who it was that was holding him.  He shoved away from the figure just to get a better look at his face.  "Ri... Riku..."  His unsure look become that of a large grin as he threw his arms around his lost friend, nuzzling into his neck, muttering, "Riku, Riku, my Riku..."
            Riku could not help but smirk.  He returned his friend's hug and tightened the hold.  "My Sora..."  He ran his hand up and down the younger boy's back, savoring the feel of the boy once again in his arms.  He missed it, missed it so much.  He missed Sora's voice, touching him, being with him, talking with him...  He had missed everything about the brunette.  The past few months had been agony.  The absence of the one he loved made everything he loved about the boy seem more... apparent.
            Sora kissed Riku's neck with quick pecks.  "I missed you so much, Riku...  So much..."  He clung tighter to the taller boy.
            "I know, Sora.  I missed you, too."
            "Why didn't you leave Kingdom Hearts?  Why didn't you come back to me?"
            "I'm too far into the dark to return, Sora.  I have to stay here."
            "...here?  Wait, Riku... where are we?"
            Riku hesitated a moment before answering.  "...we're in Kingdom Hearts."  He pushed Sora away some so that he could look into the other's eyes.  He took on a disappointed look, saying, "Meaning that you followed me here."


As much as I hate leaving it at such a horrible spot, I thought I'd go ahead and update this one, just so you guys know I'm at least working on it.  Sorrie I haven't been updating so much.  School is going to be rough for me this semester because I'm taking an independent study for French, I'm Reagent of my shire in Amtgard, and Warrior's comes above all else.  I'm trying my best to keep up with everything, and I'm sorrie if it takes me awhile.  Damn school.  I can't wait until I graduate...
And I will finish 'Fangs', at some point.  I promise, promise.