Part. 02
Part title.  Innocent kiss
  Eh, I'm not very fond of this part.  Not enough angst for me.  Cheesy stuffs ahead.  I shall remedy this quickly, by writing the third part.  W00t!  Read and review, please.

/ thoughts /    [ dreams ]       ( flashbacks )


Hisoka stared at the light that was making a puddle on his bedroom floor while he still laid in bed. He had just awoken from a horrible nightmare, one where the naive and hyper Tsuzuki would hurt him physically and mentally.

"But..." the boy whispered to no one, "Tsuzuki would never do that to me." He sat up slowly, crossing his hands in his lap and staring at them. "Besides... he and I aren't in that kind of relationship. He has no reason to do that to me..."

He stood up and began to get ready. Thoughts of his nightmare swirled around in his head as he tried to place some meaning to it. Why would he dream such an awful thing? He had dreamt of being with Tsuzuki before. That wasn't a new dream to him in the slightest. But never had Tsuzuki been so violent and uncaring in his nightly visions. He was his sweet self, the man that Hisoka would make fun of but still held silent respect for.
            His thoughts weren’t important right now, though.  It was all just part of a bad dream, one that he was going to put aside.  There was no reason to think on such a depressing topic, anyway.  He had a day of work to keep his mind occupied.  That was much better than thinking about Tsuzuki and that damnned knife...

            “What do you think of this new case, Hisoka?” Tsuzuki asked cheerfully, laying his head down on his desk.  “Sounds easy, ne?”
            Hisoka nodded solemnly, as was his way.  He sat at his on desk, arms crossed, looking at an invisible spot on his desk.  He wasn’t paying much attention to Tsuzuki but instead was thinking about that dream he had had the previous night.  He knew he should’ve been putting it out of his mind, but something about it seemed like some omen that he found himself pondering on it often during the day.
            “Oi, Hisoka...”  Tsuzuki put his head on his hands and leaned towards the quiet boy.
            “What, Tsuzuki?”
            “You okay?  You’ve been a little more withdrawn than normal...”  His purple eyes showed concern in them.
            Hisoka hesitated for a moment.  He was half-way tempted to tell him about his strange dream, but reconsidered it, thinking that Tsuzuki would maybe ask him why it was he that he was dreaming about.  The whole dream would bring upon too many questions that Hisoka had no desire to answer.  “I’m fine.”
            Tsuzuki looked like he was about to say something else, but instead shook his head, and began to type on his computer.
            Hisoka considered to go ahead and leave for the day.  He wasn’t feeling particularly social(more so than normal) and was just bored out of his mind.  There was barely anyone in the office for some reason...  It was near the end of the day, but there was normally at least three people still left by now.  Where had everyone gone?
            Watari was in his lab, working on something.  Tatsumi was off doing his own thing, and everyone else just seemed to have dropped off the face of Meifu. 
            Tsuzuki broke the silence with his whining suddenly.  Hisoka turned to him, scowl on his face.  “What are you complaining about now, Tsuzuki?”
            Tsuzuki pointed to the screen.  “It’s not being friendly to me...”  He looked like he was about to cry.
            Hisoka rolled his eyes and stood up, stepping behind Tsuzuki and looking over his shoulder.  “What’s it doing?”
            The man sniffed as he said, “Blue screen of death...”
            Hisoka reached over and pressed the ‘enter’ key, taking the screen back to the bright and cheerful wallpaper that had sunflowers on it.  “It’s that easy to take care of, Tsuzuki.”
            “But it does it a lot...” Tsuzuki replied.  Within a split-second of saying this, the blue screen popped up.  “See!”
            Hisoka leaned forward a bit more, putting his hand on the back of the man’s chair and taking a hold of the mouse from Tsuzuki’s grip.  Tsuzuki looked at him, confused by his sudden closeness as the boy’s face was close to his now.
            “I think it just isn’t its day.  Just turn it off for now and worry about it tomorrow.  If it’s still being evil, we can get Watari to look at it.  Sound good?”
            Tsuzuki didn’t answer.  The scent of Hisoka was driving him nuts.  He was so close to him, but couldn’t do anything about it...
            Hisoka turned to him when he didn’t answer.  “Tsuzuki?  That okay?”
            Tsuzuki snapped out of his trance and shook his head slightly.  “Yeah, that sounds good...”  He went silent again, watching the child in front of him.
            The light-haired teen felt a little awkward under Tsuzuki’s purple gaze.  “Is something the matter...?”
            Tsuzuki reached up and softly touched Hisoka’s cheek as he leaned in.  His mind had no say in what was going on as he was led by instinct to do what he felt would be right.  So he kissed the boy he had been desiring for a long time now.  And it did feel right.  Until he realised Hisoka wasn’t kissing back.
            He pulled away quickly, setting his hand on his knee and turning his gaze from him.  “I’m sorry...  I...  I thought you might... want me to...”
            Hisoka stared at him blankly, not knowing exactly how to respond.  He wondered what could have possessed Tsuzuki to do something like that, but he wasn’t about to complain.  Hadn’t he been dreaming of this for so long?  What was wrong about acting out your desires?  So why didn’t he return the kiss?  And why was he letting Tsuzuki get up and leave with a mumbled excuse to go?
            “Tsuzuki,” Hisoka said sternly, making the man stop dead in his tracks.  “Why are you leaving?”
            “Because... because...”  He wasn’t sure what to say.  Because it was awkward to be in the same room as the person he just kissed who didn’t kiss him back?  That was a valid reason.  It wouldn’t sound as good if he actually said it aloud, though.
            Hisoka moved so he was in front of the man, looking into his eyes.  He was silent a moment before placing his hands on either sides of Tsuzuki’s face and drawing him closer.  “’Because’ isn’t good enough for me, Tsuzuki,” he said gently, his breath mixing with the elder Shinigami’s.  It was full of emotions Tsuzuki had never heard Hisoka use.  It surprised him.  “And I don’t think you should leave.  Not yet...”
            The boy then kissed Tsuzuki, a very chaste kiss that slowly grew more passionate as the man put his arms around him and pulled him closer.
            / This is one dream I don't mind coming true... / Hisoka thought, thoughts drifting very briefly to his nightmare the night before.  He pulled away from Tsuzuki, his hands still on the other's face, and stared into his bright purple eyes.  He had a small smile on his face.
            A snickering made the two separate quickly.  Watari was in the doorway with a knowing smirk on his face.  "About time, you know."