Part. 04
Part title. Accidental theft
Notes. Sorry it took so long for me to get this out.  I've been horribly busy these last few days.  School, Amtgard, mon joli garcon...  *sigh*  So much stress.  My head's going to explode.  This part isn't too great, but it helps with the plotline, so I may as well go ahead and get it over with.  Just for note, 'Himichu' is Tsuzuki's pet name for Hisoka, incase you don't notice it.  Isn't it cute?  Teehee.

/ thoughts /    [ dreams ]       ( flashbacks )


            Tsuzuki knocked on the door of the small apartment.  He stood a ways from the door, waiting for someone to answer.  He frowned when no one came and knocked again, this time louder.
            The Shinigami sighed in frustration and turned to look at his silent partner.  Hisoka was looking at the ground, an upset look on his face as well as a slight blush.  Tsuzuki grinned.  "Are you still embarrassed, Himichu?"
            Hisoka glared up at his partner.  "Actually, it was a little embarrassing.  How would you feel in the same situation?"
            Tsuzuki sauntered closer to the younger Shinigami and whispered softly into his ear, "I would love to be in that situation..."
            Hisoka pushed Tsuzuki away, much to the man's dismay(a/n; THAT RHYMES! *giggles* that was random).  "Not here, Tsuzuki.  Have you no control?  We don't need someone walking up on us.  That's unpresentable."
            Tsuzuki gentle ran his fingers over the bruise on Hisoka's neck.  "Well, then..."  He pulled the boy's coat collar over the mark.  "You have to be presentable, as well."
            Hisoka's face turned red.  "Damn it, Tsuzuki, you shouldn't leave marks when we have to go to work, where everyone can see it."
            Tsuzuki chuckled.  "Why are you so embarrassed?  Everyone knows about us, especially since Watari walked in on us..."
            "Yeah, and then told everyone at the bureau," Hisoka retorted.  "That's no excuse to bite me so hard..."
            "You didn't complain when I did."
            "I didn't know it would leave a mark!" the child growled.  Tsuzuki only laughed at him.  "Of course, you think it's funny.  Why do I put up with you?"  He shook his head.
            Tsuzuki took on an innocent look and nuzzled Hisoka's shoulder.  "Because you love me, right, Himichu?"
            Hisoka didn't answer.  / He says it so casually... but, love is such a big deal...  How can he throw it out so easily...? /  He sighed and went to the door, knocking on it loudly, trying to get off the subject.
            Tsuzuki's eyes were full of confusion, surprised by Hisoka's sudden mood change.  "Himichu...?"
            / I don't even know how I feel about you, Tsuzu... /  "Should we just go on in?"  / please, don't ask... /
            "What if someone's in there, though...?"
            "Whoever it is is who we're looking for, anyway, so what does it matter?"
            Tsuzuki put his hand to his chin in consideration.  "All right, let's go," he said with a nod.  Hisoka nodded as well, and then they were both gone in a silver shimmer.

            "Well, looks like they sent us out here for nothing," Tsuzuki muttered looking at the fallen body on the kitchen floor covered in blood.
            "Why did they send us here if he's already dead?" Hisoka asked, frustrated.  "What a waste a time..."
            "I guess we should leave, then..."  Tsuzuki looked around one more time, feeling that something was still out of place.  On the kitchen counter, he spied a rather large pocket knife with a wooden handle.  The entire kitchen was covered in blood except for the knife, making it stand out.  Tsuzuki picked it up for a closer look.
            Hisoka inspected the body, making sure it was the same as the man in the photo given to them by the bureau; but when he examined his face, he found that it was a different person.  The hair matched the one in the picture along with the man's frame.  The hair... it strangely looked to be the same colour as Hisoka's.  And the face...
            "Himichu, there something wrong?" Tsuzuki asked, standing behind his partner.
            "It's just that..."  Hisoka shook his head.  "No, it's nothing.  This person just... looked like someone I knew."
            Tsuzuki examined Hisoka's face for a moment, a little concerned by the emptiness in the boy's voice.  He then hugged him from behind, nuzzling his neck.  "Let's go home, all right?  This case is obviously already solved, so let's just take the rest of the day off..."
            "I... guess we could.  I'm still upset that we had to come here for nothing."
            "I'll give you a back rub, then, to make you less tense.  I'm sure you'll like that..."
            Hisoka turned around in Tsuzuki's arms, staring into the man's eyes.  "Will you fall asleep while you're doing that?"  He gently placed a hand on the man's face.  "You haven't been sleeping lately...  You look so tired..."
            Tsuzuki just smiled and softly kissed the child on the lips.  "I'll be okay.  Let's go, okay?"  Hisoka nodded and they disappeared in another shimmer of silver.
            From the doorway to the kitchen, a figure stood and grinned.  "Those fools..."  He looked to where the knife had been, his grin almost feral as he noticed its absence.  "He took the knife..."  He looked at the fallen body and kicked it with his toe.  "And he fell for it...
            "Well, then."  The man put his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and walked to the door of the apartment.  "I suppose I should get to Meifu.  And make the little empath mine..."